The Avengers (2012)
Joss Whedon sets the bar high for future Marvel films.
29 April 2012
Putting Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man all into one film was never going to be easy, what with die-hard fans of certain characters demanding they each have their moment to shine. However, Joss Whedon succeeds in creating such a balanced film with a huge cast, he makes it look effortless. Avengers Assember/ The Avengers (take your pick) is one of the best films of the year and it hard to think of any other director who could have pulled it off. Sure there are many other great directors out there, but Whedon ensures that you don't to have of read the comics to appreciate this.

The cast, direction, the script, the editing (very smooth), cgi, cinematography etc is amazing but I'm sure this has already been a lot mentioned about it. What made the film for me personally is the sense of camaraderie between all the characters as they work together, that is essential in any war/ team film that depicts people working together. Each character is also nicely developed, particularly Bruce Banner aka Hulk. Supporting members including Nick Fury, Hawkeye and Black Widow are also given their time to shine, and each actor is well cast.

While Loki's motif could have seen a little more development, the film feels nicely rounded and the action is amazing to watch as New York is torn apart. The film is funny in places but never feels goofy or unnecessary (pay attention Michael Bay). Whedon's ability to keep the action fresh ensures that this film never falters and becomes tired.

Avengers Assemble is an amazing film that gives the audience what they want and more, and is a sure contender for the best superhero film to date. While The Dark Knight Rises comes closer to its release, it is important to note that these are two very different films. Regardless, there is something for everyone and I strongly recommend watching it on the big screen.
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