Review of Evidence

Evidence (III) (2012)
Not again
13 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes i wonder if the blair witch project should ever have been made- because of the production line of trashy copies in the found-film genre that have been given the green light by moronic movie execs. I've only really seen one decent one since, and that was made in spain (Rec) which borrowed off the likes of 28 days later and bwp, all decent movies. This is garbage. Like other reviewers have said before it wants to throw as many horror themes as possible at the audience hoping theyll swallow one - interspersed with some chase-cam footage alternating between the 2 leading girls backsides. I make no apologies for containing spoilers in this case - i couldn't possibly do anything to spoil the plot of this movie for you more.

The basic premise is quite simple -4 young campers get stalked by something mysterious in the woods and, oh wait a creepy old man has turned up, perhaps hes integral, hang on a minute, now there's a strange hairy gorrila sloth-bear chasing after them, no wait they've stumbled on to a medical testing centre, oh actually its full of lunatic asylum patients, ah right they're human cannibals too, they're wearing gas masks, maybe some contagion, ah yes here comes the US army to save the day, no wait the hairy gorrila things are back! but they have alien bug-faces now? Here comes the continuation-credits, thatll explain everything. Looks to have been one big failed experiment after all. Sums up the movie really.
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