Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. Flawless? No. Great Game? Yes.
2 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As being born in 1996 along with Lara Croft, I always thought I and her had a special bond over the years as we developed in life together. I lived my life, while I tried to keep her alive while she navigated through dangerous tombs and traps. Of course I didn't play the game actually in till maybe 2001, and never got past the first level of the first game, I still had fun with it. I loved Lara for who she was over the years, and recently, before the new game comes out, I purchased games 1-6 again, my original copies having broken over the years from carelessness. As I bet my way through 1-5, I stopped as I held this game in my hands. Having never gotten through the first level, nor remembering the story, I sort of pushed it away for awhile, going off to beat Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld again. After those were beaten for the probably millionth time, I held Angel of Darkness in my hands again, and decided to give it a try.

Needless to say, I was instantly hooked, the story had such a rich plot, great graphics, weapons, and locations, I ignored the constant rants about glitches, bugs, etc. Because when you're playing a game, and you're really into it, you ignore the bugs and glitches, as I did.

The story takes place a few years after the events of Egypt in Tomb Raider Chronicles, where Lara was rescued by her old mentor Werner Von Croy. Even though he saved her life, Lara never forgave him. Over the years, Von Croy made many attempts to reach out to Lara, to which she ignored. Eventually Lara gave in, and met with Croy in Paris at his apartment. There Croy tells Lara he believes he is being stalked, and with the recent attacks from the Monstrum, a killing machine that has been killing people off through out Paris, it has put Croy on edge. Lara ignores his pleads for help, and asks him why she should help him when he left her in Egypt to die(Much like she did to him in her teens years while hunting for the Iris, but I won't get into that now). Things happen quickly, and a shot is fired, and Croy ends up dead on the floor, his blood on Lara's hands. This is where things begin to heat up, Lara is framed for Croy's murder, and she sets out on the run to complete Croys last wish, to hunt down five obscura paintings, thought to be linked to Alchemy and the Dark Arts.

So lets now get into the Pros & Cons shall we?

Pros: Much, much, much harder game than the two previous, after a few years of not adventuring, it has left Lara weak, to which she is now donned with a grip bar, which makes the game harder. Outfits return as well, which are beautiful. I have encountered two so far, and that would be her jean jacket with matching jeans casual outfit, and then camouflage(which was one of my favorites in Anniversary). There are many weapons that Lara will get her hands on in the game, which some have really blown my mind. Though some abilities, like sprint, aren't available to Lara in till later in the game, when you get them, you will be so excited you did. Puzzles are a lot trickier, and I have set off many alarms as I've been playing. Rich Plot, with a few clichés that can be ignored if you wish to ignore them. Beautiful Lara for next generation consoles. Areas are smoother than any previous game before, and are a lot harder.

Cons: Grip Bar. Though it does make the game a lot harder, it can be a really pain through out the game. Especially fans who are used to Lara being able to hold onto things forever. No Croft Manor which is okay I guess, but I would have liked to see Lara on the run to the manor, and then get ambushed while shes there. Glitches, and bugs. Though I have only encountered only a few, the main problem with me is the lag, which makes me sometimes want to scream.

Overall this is a great game! I only game is 7 stars because of the lag, and the few glitches and bugs I encountered. But be careful, if you don't know what your doing, this game could really suck for you. The game is very hard to navigate through, if you don't know where your going, so I normally stick with a strategy website, or videos on Youtube. Stella's is a great Tomb Raider Walkthrough site, if your stuck, consult there.
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