Mirror Mirror (I) (2012)
Strangely Enchanting
25 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody is asking for another Snow White movie, but at some point, this one is interesting because it's directed by Tarsem Singh and you know his films always have quirky visuals and fascinating costumes. Nothing like any blockbusters out there. And these elements fit perfectly to the story of Snow White. As a result, it's enjoyable and amusing. Although it suffers a few missteps that aren't easy to ignore. But the merits are more noticeable than the flaws. It may be unnecessary but it's actually pretty good.

The film throws plenty of twists to the story. The only part they removed from the original Snow White story is having friends with forest animals which is important because it shows how innocent Snow White is but Snow White isn't quite innocent here. Just like the other upcoming Snow White film, she's fighting here(Shown in trailer. Not spoilers). The film is random in most sequence but it's actually fun. It's clever how they made the love triangle of Snow White, The Queen, and The Prince.

I loved the cast. Lily Collins is captivating and adorable as Snow White. Armie Hammer makes a charming Prince. Julia Roberts was meant to steal the show. They're aiming her as an annoying petty villain and it works effectively. It's good to see Nathan Lane again. We don't see him that much in movies anymore but he can still give plenty of joy and laughs to the audience. The dwarfs are enjoyable as well.

The script can be problematic sometimes, especially to one scene when Snow White says to the Prince he had no pants but what she actually meant he was shirtless. The climax twist was underwhelming and enervating. Like I say, Tarsem Singh's trademarks works best here. The quirky visuals are wonderful. The scene when the Queen's giant puppets attacks the dwarfs' home looks great though the editing is kind of messy. The costumes are simply fascinating.

Unexpectedly, the film turns out to be magical and fun in a strange way. Since Hollywood is suddenly making too much adaptations of Fairy Tales these days, at least this one has magic. I don't know what will the other upcoming Snow White movie is going to be but this one is simple and fun despite from its randomness and missteps. If Tarsem Singh directs a film, no matter how good or bad it is, it will always look fascinating.
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