Review of Alphas

Alphas (2011–2012)
X-Men meets CSI
10 March 2012
If X-Men and CSI had sex then had a baby, that baby would be this show. Everything in this show has been done. Not only that, everything in this show has been done better. The acting is not terrible, but never rises about the mediocre script.

Alphas is a show about mutants with special powers. Only in this series, they are called - you guessed it - Alphas. Dr. Rosen leads a group of good Alphas who use their powers to stop bad Alphas, much like Xavier and his X-Men. Red Flag are the bad guys. They are the Magneto and Brotherhood of Mutants of this series. Throughout season 1 we learn more about the motives of Red Flag and of a place called Binghamton, which is supposed to help Alphas live with their powers.

Alphas is at best an average show, full of clichés and plot holes. While it is far from the worst show on TV, it's certainly not the best. You'd be much better off watching the X-Men movies or Heroes to get your mutant fix.
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