Review of Pig Hunt

Pig Hunt (2008)
more towards old exploitation then a straight horror
8 March 2012
is this a horror and does it contain pig hunting. That was what I thought when this flick was finished. I agree, it do contains well executed gory effects but there's more going on than only a pig. In fact it reminded me more to old exploitation flicks added with some horror. There's some resemblance to Deliverance (1972) because it's more how to survive red necks going wild then how to hunt the boar.

The return to exploitation lays in the fact how the red necks move through the woods. It's a kind of mad max style. Suddenly one of the friends come across a lake full of naked women. That's being exploited with the song 'It's A Man's World". It's only towards the end that we see some kind of cult adoring the big boar called The Ripper.

I think a lot of viewers will be disappointed about the fact that it's more about being hunted down by the rednecks then go hunting pigs. On the other hand it do has some nasty scene's with even intestines being ripped out by the boar. But still I would rather call it a thriller with gory shots then a horror.

For the fans of the band Primus, Les Claypool made some tracks for this flick and is seen as the priest here in Pig Hunt.

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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