Evidence (III) (2012)
Ehhh.........Dread Central needs their heads examined
29 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen just about every found-footage flick out there. Like many people I was attracted by the trailer for "Evidence" when it came out last year. I was told that this was the highest-concept found-footage film of all time. Apparently, they were a liar. This has more similarities to "Blair Witch" and "The Crazies" than I could count, but I managed to watch it from start to end. See below for full review. This one gave me mixed to negative feelings. It's not a completely miserable film, but it's not one I would immediately recommend to my friends either. I definitely wouldn't pay to see it in a Theater; however, on a rainy night and bored at home, I might watch it for giggles. The first 15 minutes was surprisingly, mildly entertaining, compared to most found-footage films.....although Ryan (the cameraman) apparently has no clue what a "documentary" really is, because that is not what the first half of the film was. It was more like-- "let's **** around with a camera on our camping trip and call it a documentary" kind of film. Reality show is more fitting :) The second half, different story. It becomes obvious right away that the only reason for having the female characters is estrogen value.....Abbey flashes her boobs in the first 3 minutes and Ash (who is only about half as attractive), moons the camera about 10 minutes later. And don't forget about half a dozen F-words to keep things juvenile! It's almost as if the filmmakers put those things in there just to keep us watching past the dreaded first 10 minutes. Way too obvious guys. Things start getting CHEESY as **** when we first hear the creature in the woods......you can actually tell the sound effect was added in post-production because of the audio mix. I understand that this was a low budget production, but I think the audience would rather hear a genuine sound in the woods and not something added later. P.S. The sound is NOTHING like a coyote, and the fact that the characters suggested that is ridiculous. I did like when we first see the "creature," that was setup pretty well. But I hated the characters' interactions that followed. All the sudden after hearing a noise in the woods and seeing what is "probably" just an animal, they all act like the sky is falling. Not convinced, man! I immediately did not like Brett in his role. Not only is he not wanting to be there, but also he doesn't sound very genuine in his lines, especially during his Ryan-rebuking speech close to the 20 minute mark. I'm really glad he went missing first and was killed off. But later on, Ryan, who apparently has anger management issues, starts to get annoying. Too much fabricated drama that doesn't fit in at all. After that, I really started losing interest because the film just became too unrealistic, and the "scary" scenes looked staged. They all get drunk after only one bottle???? Doesn't seem like much alcohol for a bunch of young people who probably drink every week. The stranger with the Vietnam-vet jacket????? I actually laughed, especially when Brett freaks out about his gun....c'mon man, if you don't take a gun into the wilderness, you're unprepared. Shaking the tent? Taken straight out of Blair Witch playbook. It's just too cliché' in my opinion, trying to come up with scares that don't work. The thing in the bush was a good scare, but again, the poorly-chosen sounds ruined the mood. Loved the flesh in the shoe! But I didn't care at all when Ryan left. Around the 45-minute mark, things actually became interesting again. Running through the wood once again brings back the "Blair Witch" theme, but it was fun nevertheless. Loved the dead body! Awesome gore, hell yeah!!!! Around the 50-minute mark, I had a serious WTF moment. Now they bring in some stuff from "The Crazies." (This becomes more apparent later in the movie.) As far as the locations and effects, though, I thought it had pretty good production value. At the 60-minute mark things get cheesy again, and unfortunately we go even further from the "Blair Witch" to "The Crazies." I am not bashing the film for doing that, but there is no originality, and that's what really takes away from its potential. Pregnant lady on the table was pretty epic......more crazy people! And more gore! Lmao Ending wasn't the greatest, it really left a blank for a sequel I hope they never make. But I liked the end credits, the effects were great, and it kept me watching long enough to write down Brett's last name....so I can AVOID every other movie he acts in. With better actors and a more realistic plot, this would've been more watchable. I almost find it very hard to believe that this film was made on the budget that they claim. Maybe if everybody worked for deferred pay, with hopes that this film would make a lot of money at the box office (like Paranormal Activity). Anyways, that's my honest play-by-play review of the film. Take it or leave it. Overall 4/10
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