Review of One False Move

A rough gem...
25 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...heralding the rise of at least two notable acting careers, "One False Move" commits only a few of its own while limning the classic tragic arcs of a handful of well-drawn characters. With an admirably tight script by co-writer/star, Billy Bob "Slingblade" Thornton, and longtime collaborator, Tom "The Gift" Epperson, "One False Move" not only helped solidify Thornton's creds, it equally established Bill "Near Dark" Paxton as an actor with more than scene-chewing chops. It's a simple noir-ish tale of the inevitable collision of two homicidal ex-cons with a down-home Dudley Do-Right of a sheriff. Thornton's loose cannon is nicely balanced by a cucumber cool Michael "Third Watch" Beach as his dispassionate partner with a penchant for knives, while the pair's quest for drug money is enabled and then scuttled by Fantasia, Thornton's chippy girlfriend (and real-life wife at the time), Cynda "Mo' Better Blues" Williams. After a grim opening to establish the bad guys' brutality, "One False Move" settles into a groove reminiscent of an Elmore Leonard novel as its protagonists move toward their fates. Carl "Devil in a Blue Dress" Franklin, a veteran TV actor turned director, coaxes solid performances from his leads and supporting cast, ably abetted by DP James L. "Don't Answer the Phone!" Carter, and choice music from two founding members of the Climax Blues Band.

I mentioned that there are a few false moves, and there are, but to me the only egregious one is a scene (that could have easily been rewritten) in which an Arkansas state trooper handles a traffic stop in a decidedly unprofessional manner, much to his regret. See if I'm not right when you watch the film; it caused me to lose a great deal of sympathy for a character that requires it desperately. At any rate, it's still a minor quibble, and the story only stumbles a bit because of it. Highly recommended to genre fans everywhere.
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