Nine Queens (2000)
The Argentinean Sting
22 February 2012
In Buenos Aires, the swindler Juan (Gastón Pauls) cheats the cashier of a convenience store with a bill-changing scam observed by Marcos (Ricardo Darín). Then Juan tries to lure the cashier on the next shift but he is caught by the manager. Marcos claims to be a police officer and arrests Juan; he also brings the money claiming to be evidence. Sooner Juan learns that Marcos is actually an experienced con artist and he invites Juan to be his partner in a scheme.

They head to a five-star hotel where Marcos meets his estranged sister Valeria (Leticia Brédice) in the reception. She tells that Marco's friend Sandler (Oscar Nuñez ) is very ill and wants to talk to him in the locker room. Sandler explains that he had forged a sheet of the valuable stamps Nueve Reinas using a picture he took from the collection that belongs to his sister. He also tells that the Spaniard Vidal Gandolfo (Ignasi Abadal) that is lodged in the hotel is a collector of stamps and will travel on the next morning. Therefore, the stamps should be negotiated on that day. Marcos distributes percentages to a network of swindlers to work with him but there are too many con artists in action luring each other.

"Nueve Reinas" is one of the most entertaining Argentinean film that I have ever seen and the film that introduced the great actor Ricardo Darín to the Brazilian audiences. I saw this film for the first time many years ago and today I have just seen it again with my family and friends.

The story seems to be inspired in "The Sting" (1973) or "The Spanish Prisoner" (1997), with sophisticated entwined schemes where the viewer never knows who is conning whom. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Nove Rainhas" ("Nine Queens")
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