Terry and the Pirates (1952–1953)
Very good vintage TV experience
29 November 2011
I am a fan of the Terry and the Pirates serial so I decided to check out a few episodes of the TV show. I was pleasantly surprised, it is fun to watch. The thing that makes the show work is the cast, they are all really good. They are smooth and effective in their roles. You feel comfortable with them and they work together nicely. The show also has pretty good production values and the writing isn't bad either.

It's a shame that this show didn't catch on and that they made less than twenty episodes. It would have been great if there had been a full 39 episode run at least. When I watch these old shows I realize more and more just how horrible and lurid TV is today...its almost all garbage. Even the ones I like are more like guilty pleasures that I'm almost ashamed of admitting I sometimes view. Today's TV is just awful, constantly playing off our most basic needs and interests.

Terry is a bit like Captain Kirk, almost every show ends with him making out with one of the leading ladies. The guy playing shady boss man is a hoot...he would have made a wonderful Charlie Chan. His role is fairly similar in a lot of ways. Terry and the Pirates is a good one...pure fun that goes down smooth.
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