Barney Miller (1975–1982)
Great show
10 November 2011
Barney Miller is my favorite show of all times. It's too bad that this show is locked away in some studio vault rather than being shown as re-runs. Unlike M*A*S*H, which started to get dry past the 1976 season and focused less on comedy and more on leftist views, Barney Miller got better. Although it was completely unrealistic in the way detectives work, handling calls that patrol officers, not detectives handle, it was very realistic into the type of people that police officers deal with on a daily basis and the human emotions that go along with it. The show continued to stay solid, despite losing some excellent regular cast members like Gregory Sierra (reasons unk), Abe Vigoda(TV show Fish) and Jack Soo(passed away). My fault with the show is that they brought in so many new detectives that you came to like but were gone after a few episodes - Detectives Wilson, Licori, Wentworth, Battista and Dorsey, but it's still not enough to diminish my feelings about what a great show this was and I still enjoy watching it on DVD today, as I did on regular TV when it first aired.
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