Assassins (1995)
Out with the old, in with the new
7 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really about removing that which is old to replace it with something that is new. Robert (Sylvester Stallone) is an assassin working for the US government. Fifteen years previously he assassinated his mentor Nicholai as he was leaving a bank so that he could become number one. Now a younger assassin, Miguel (Antonio Banderas) has appeared and he wants Robert's position. This movie is an action movie and is quite good. Donner creates a very dreamlike feel to the movie, which possibly means that what we have is not always going to be there. Personally that is just a wild guess. The bigger theme in the movie is the fear that somebody younger will appear that is much better than you and thus making you obsolete. The world in the movie is one of assassins, but this is very much true in the business world where the older people have to keep on their toes with the younger executives who want their job. Then there are the conservative established companies who are being challenged by the new innovative companies. Assassins portrays life, a life where we must watch out for the ambitious coming up from below us and remain alert as they attempt to take from us the position that they want. Yet there is also a time when we want to retire, when we wish to give up, and the thing assassins says is that we can never retire because even if we give up the race, the race always seeks to come along and forcefully remove us. Assassins is done in a dreamlike state because it is a reflection of the world in which we live.
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