Review of Sector 7

Sector 7 (2011)
Hopefully this movie doesn't effect your perception towards Korean films
19 September 2011
It's hard to give a movie a 10 out of 10. And it's even harder to give a movie a 1 out of 10. Why? Because even the worst of films have a tiny little element to praise. 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' is something I consider to be one of the worst films I've ever seen (and I've watched Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus!)...yet that movie had good CGI (too much of it but still good in terms of visuals).

But here comes 'Sector 7', the first 3-D movie to be released in South Korea. I am Korean and I assure you that Americans are more likely to like this movie...because English subtitles will definitely hide the terrible dialogue in this movie.

"" says Ha Ji Won when she first sees this glob of CG. Then Sung Kee Ahn grabs a gun. First of all there would be no guns on an oil mine in Korea and second of all this reaction is stupid. Why would anyone believe there'd be a monster on board? What's worse is the doctor on the ship speculates that the gooey substance the monster leaves behind is semen. What kind of doctor is this?!

We don't see the monster until we get tired of this movie. What I mean by that is we get boring exposition we don't care about. None of the characters are interesting; they are just typical monster food. I am of course talking about the girl who won't shut up, the playful boyfriend who will become overprotective when the situation gets serious, the seemingly wise old man who knows how to use a gun, an obnoxious retard who's blamed for all the damage the monster is responsible for.

We finally see the monster about half way into this movie. A good movie like 'Alien' will use this technique by creating suspense. There is no suspense here. When the monster is finally revealed you will wish you hadn't seen it. Not because it's scary but because the CG is faker than fake. I'm not just talking about the looks (which is terrible), I'm also talking about its mechanical movement. But I should've known better when the opening CG sequence was pathetic. The 1980's flashback in Sector 7 should give you an idea of how poor the special effects are in this movie.

And why was this movie in 3D? Yeah I know we get one scene where the monster's tail shoots right out of the screen but that was like 0.3 seconds and this is a movie that is longer than it needs to be.

This movie tries to be everything. It tries to be 'Alien' (we'll get to that later). It tries to be a comedy (the audience laughed once in throughout this movie). It tries to be dramatic. None of the deaths are satisfying, none of them evoke any sort of emotion (whether sadness or fear or relief).

The worst part of the movie is the climax. Here we have the main lead girl fighting with the monster head to head in a factory. Sound familiar? I don't mind a movie imitating a classic in order to create cheap thrills but this just fails to entertain the slightest bit. And besides all I'm doing is looking at my watch.

And don't make me mention the motorcycle scenes because they were so random and so stupidly tied into the end. Even in the trailers; what was the girl planning to do with the motorcycle? Just ram it into the giant monster?

This could've been a legit monster movie. The setting was pretty good; it's an oil mine in the middle of a vast ocean. And also there are some moral issues incorporated into the monster (not spoiling anything). But the hollow characters and the actors who take themselves too seriously ruin this film completely. The action sucks, the CGI sucks. One of the WORST movies I've seen in my life.

Do not let this movie effect your perception towards Korean movies. Even we know it's bad.
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