Hilarious inconsistencies
16 August 2011
Although some scenes were clearly In Ireland, possibly Kerry, much was filmed in the LA area I think. The clearness of the daylight was too good for the British Isles. The hotch potch of accents made this compelling viewing for me, there was an old lady (related to the patriarch) with a Glaswegian (Scottish) accent, a few Northern Oirish voices (including one of the leads - Sarah-Jane Potts) and some lovely strong west coast brogues (to be sure there were from de detective fella in particolar). That and the wonderfully woeful stereotyping of de irish, Irish dancing in a US style sports bar, an old rogue telling a dreadfully dull mythical Irish tale and all this being thoroughly lapped up by a youthful clientèle favouring Guinness or Whiskey of course! Brilliant. Could have been worse; I was once in an Irish bar in NYC and an Irish American ordered himself what he felt was an authentic drink: half Guinness/half Kilkenny! I choked. No joke, it all made this more fun to watch. Also look out for the large American Ford van in a chase scene, who shipped that over? And the detective's car, a lovely 80s mercedes with French headlamps. Gorgeous car mind. Quite a stock of right hand drive vehicles in them thar Hollywood Hills. I quite like MSW, but my favourite TV detective will always be Columbo. Slainte!
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