Rescue Me (2004–2011)
I lost all respect for this show in season 3
14 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Up until season 3 in the series, I was actually very impressed overall with Leary's series. It was gritty, raw, humorous and always dramatic, with realistic ties to the climate of NYC at the time. One thing that bothered me early on was the dismissal/joking around about Mike being raped by the couple he was invited around by in season one, I was willing to let it go.

And then, season 3, episode 4 (Sparks) happened.

Tommy rapes Janet - a woman who is slugging you as you violently push her down and rip her clothes is NOT consenting. But then, surprise, the moment his magic schlong is in her, she moans and enjoys it and is able to calmly read a magazine afterwards when Johnny walks in moments after Tommy's departure. This trivialization of rape as a plot device continues, as Janet 'rapes Tommy' to get even, and Sheila roofies him to get his spunk and have her way with him as well.

Leary, I pray no one in your family has to ever deal with rape, knowing the nonsense you produced in this series. I'm done.
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