Big Foot's gone crazy!
27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A few years ago my mother had bought me a DVD called Night of the Demon out of the 5 dollar bin, she knew my love of horror films and thought that the cover looked cool and that I would probably like it. Weird thing is, I never checked it out until recently, years and years this DVD sat on my shelf and I don't know why I didn't check it out earlier. Because when I went onto IMDb for reviews and then onto Amazon, I couldn't believe my eyes, this same DVD that my mom bought for 5 dollars is now selling for 80 dollars on Amazon, isn't that crazy? So my mother picked a true treasure I was guessing. Well, after viewing it, I'm not so sure that treasure is the right name any more, but it certainly has something. I'm an gore fan, I have to admit, the story could be lousy but if there is good gore in the film, I just end up falling for it. Night of the Demon does that for me, while the story, acting and directing isn't up to par, this is a fun movie with the killing scenes. I know that sounds sick, but this is a fun treasure from the 80's with the great senseless nudity, sex, drugs, drinking, stereotypes and violence that I could want.

Night of the Demon tells the story of an anthropology class's all-too-successful expedition into the American wilderness to find the truth behind the Sasquatch legend. Along the way, the team learn about the creature's previous victims, uncover the squalid story of a hermit who gave birth to a mutation after being raped by the monster, and finally come face to face with the beast himself.

Eighty dollars worth of your time; no, not really, but if you're able to still find it cheap and are a horror fan like I am, I totally recommend this film. This is a crazy monster we have in the film, we go from this light hearted music that sounds like it belongs in an elevator to seeing Big Foot rip a guys hot dog off! You know what I mean, I can't write it on this website. Also this poor girl is getting beaten by her hick father after he suspects her feelings for another man, literally thrashing a belt on her back, now in most horror movies, the dad would be the one put to justice, but it's the girl that gets raped by Big Foot and gives birth to his baby! Now that's a Jerry Springer episode that I would love to see! The whole ending is in slow motion with the sickest kills you will ever see, Saw would cover it's eyes to some of these gruesome kills.

It's a very strange film, believe me, it's not for everyone. The direction is a little off and the lighting is absolutely horrible at times, however the reason I forgave this so fast is due to the fact that it seems like the cast and crew genuinely had a great time making this film. I mean there's a scene where Big Foot takes two girl scouts who happen to be carrying knives and pulls their arms towards each other stabbing each other while the whole time you're screaming "Just drop the knife! Problem solved!". But it's moments like that that make me enjoy a movie when you're just having a good time with it. This may be a twisted Big Foot, but that's just the way we are supposed to suspect him to be, why are we so afraid of him? Just like Jaws made people afraid of sharks, Night of the Demon will make you afraid of Big Foot! But like I said, don't buy it for 80 dollars, I'm sure you can find it cheaper somewhere else or it's gotta be on the net, because people are greedy and crazy.

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