Sporadically impressive occult horror
26 May 2011
In this film Christopher Lee is cast against type as the heroic good guy. He is an occult expert who goes up against a satanic group, led by a warlock played by Charles Gray, who has taken one of his good friends under his nefarious wing.

This is probably one of the more critically acclaimed Hammer horror films. I think this must be primarily to do with two effective set-pieces. Namely, the appearance of Satan and the scene in the house where the heroes are besieged by all manner of horrific manifestations. In the former, the Devil is presented in a commendably impressive way, while the latter is pretty frightening imaginative stuff where the Angel of Death makes a memorable appearance on horseback. These moments are what make the film; otherwise it's another standard Hammer production. Although if you are a fan of the studio's output I'm sure this will not be a problem.

All-in-all, it's an OK film with great moments.
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