Kim Cattrall--Oscar bait??
21 May 2011
I really enjoyed this movie. It's got lots of heart, a rare thing today without getting schmalzy, good laughs and smart and to the point writing. Without doubt the best part is Kim Cattrall's performance. She's never been this good, or even close. She totally looses herself in Monica Velour. It's a Streep quality job. There's an Oscar buzz already on some blogs and shockingly, I think they're right. But apart from that, I'd say this movie is one of the most real movies I've seen. The characters are taken off the street, their dreams and realities are like the ones we all share. It makes me think - why aren't there more movies like this out there, movies that make us sit back and look at our own lives and say hey, I don't need to lose twenty pounds or be a superstar, I can just be me.
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