Well made but a very odd film to be on FOD
15 May 2011
A few days ago, Funny or Die sent out a Tweet about "Successful Alcoholics"--recommending the film and saying it's posted on their site. However, after viewing the film, I think it's a very odd film for them, as it's really NOT a comedy but a very dark little film about alcoholism.

The film stars two very obnoxious yet oddly successful drunks. No matter how intoxicated they become, people around them seem to put up with their boorish antics--mostly because the man and woman have been able to successfully lie and manipulate. While perhaps funny in a very dark way, it's pretty intense when they find themselves in Denver at 2am and start panicking because they can't find any liquor--and their eventual solution is pretty pathetic.

I am not sure exactly who the audience is for this film. It is quite well made but not funny. Things like the DTs, memory issues and vomiting aren't especially laughable. Perhaps it's a good poignant little film to show to budding alcoholics.
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