Review of The Hitcher

The Hitcher (2007)
8 May 2011
In my eyes the original is a classic. The tense action begins from the very moment it starts, and there aren't any annoying characters. It's a wonderful example of a horror film. So then, can anyone tell me what is the point of remaking a classic if you're just going to copy everything from it but no where near as effective and your going to add bits in which just add to the boredom?! CAN YOU TELL ME THAT! Sorry, I need to calm down :)

Rob Zombie's "Halloween" and the remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" are two examples of how to do a good remake. They take the idea of the original but completely change what happens in the film to make it there own. "The Hitcher" is inadequate. The director turns a classic into a dopey teen movie. It's unengaging, unsurprising and laughable.

Sean Bean is miscast as the hitcher. I'm sorry Sean Bean fans (Caroline :) but he just isn't menacing enough. I mean Mr. Bean can't act anyway ( well THE Mr Bean can, Rowan Atkinson does a fine job as that character) so that casting is all wrong!

I must say that I did enjoy the final 10 minutes, I thought that was quite tense, but its still a damn copy. Its a replica and isn't as good. It's not exactly shot for shot but you know what's going to happen. Please, if you have any sense go and watch the original. Skip this one, its full of stupid characters, clichéd moments and Michael Bay produced it.

Dear Michael Bay, please be original. Is that too much to ask?
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