The Bachelor's Baby (1996 TV Movie)
Where's the DVD?
17 April 2011
I am the real guy this movie is based upon. I wrote a book called "Here Comes the Son," which became a screenplay that almost became a theatrical film before it ended up a movie of the week. After playing me, Scott Bakula became the Captain of the Starship Enterprise. It's like he Quantum Leaped into my life, gave it a happy ending, then leaped out again. In my contract, I am due $50,000 upon release of a DVD, which they have not done. I'm broke. Please help save my ass. "The Bachelor's Baby" hasn't even been shown on cable in years. Write to CBS and demand a home release of this masterpiece that changed your life. If they release it and I get paid, I'll throw a party and you're all invited.

Mr. Leslie Moonves President & CEO CBS Entertainment 51 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 Phone: (212) 975-2824

Fax: (212) 975-6766

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