Grandma, what a bad movie your in
17 March 2011
(Synopsis) Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is a young woman living in a small village whose parents have arranged for her to marry Henry (Max Irons), the successful village blacksmith. However, Valerie grew up with Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), and she has been in love with him most of her life. They are planning on running away together, when her sister is killed by the wolf that has been terrorizing the village. For many years, the wolf has not attacked the village people as long as they provide him food on a full moon. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has now killed a human. The villagers have had enough of this wolf, and they band together to hunt him down and kill it. They are not successful, so they call in Father Solomon (Gary Oldman), because this is no ordinary wolf. Father Solomon warns the people that this wolf takes human form by day, and the wolf could be one of them.

(My Comments) Everyone knows the fairy tale story of Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf. Well, this is not it. The writers have turned that story into a modern werewolf story to capture the teenage audience, who seem to love werewolves. If you saw the movie trailers, you would think this was a scary movie. I don't think you will jump out of your seat once. The acting was below average, and the special effects of the wolf were marginal at best. The only mystery or surprise of the movie that was held to the end was the person who was the werewolf. But by that point I didn't care; actually, by that time, I wanted the werewolf to kill the main cast and end the movie. The actual ending was anti-climatic. If you see this movie, you are most likely to leave the theater disappointed. (Warner Bros. Pictures, Run Time 1:40, PG-13) (3/10)
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