As Good as it get's
17 March 2011
for 80's zombie schlock horror, Romero, with the help of Argento set a pretty high bar. Make no mistake, this does not meet that bar. However, it tries hard, and is a damn fun ride. To the connoisseur of zombie horror or 80's schlock horror, this is a must have. It has zombies, decent makeup fx, cool weaponry (though apparently few if any of the automatic weapons were actually modified to work with blanks), oh yeah, and gratuitous (but surprisingly tasteful and artistic) nudity. Storyline is standard, but the cinematography, sets, Goblin musical score ripped off from Dawn of the Dead, all add up to a great zombie schlock extravaganza. Ignore complaints of "stock footage". It works. It provides depth, and reality otherwise unobtainable through modern sterilized fx. Best viewed with friends and many, many, MANY, drinks.
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