The International (I) (2009)
Very average, rather forgettable.
12 January 2011
It takes awhile for the plot of The International to get going, so be prepared. When it does finally take off we find that an evil multinational banking institution has embarked on a Machiavellian plot to corner the market in small arms sales. To facilitate this ambitious scheme they have bribed politicians, police, banks, arms dealers, and just about everyone else in the entire EU, everyone is in on it, and those that aren't meet carefully calculated ends at the hands of hired assassins, all made to look like accidents of course. The plot is a bit too Byzantine for my taste and at times becomes somewhat difficult to follow (perhaps it was because my eyelids were a bit droopy in the beginning). When things do coalesce about halfway into the film it becomes rather good. The near capture of the assassin at the Guggenheim Museum in New York is particularly enjoyable. The film actually has a realistic ending that, for some, might not be very satisfying. I liked it because it was different, not everything came up roses, but it wasn't a completely tragic ending either. The International isn't a bad movie but I have definitely seen better.
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