Makes "The Swarm" look good!
17 November 2010
Dreary horror film. Exhausted pop singer Vicki Robbins (Susanna Leigh) needs a vacation. She goes to a farm on an island where a local keeps bees. For no reason the bees start attacking and killing people and animals. There's more but that's about all you need to know.

I caught this on a Saturday afternoon TV back in the 1970s. I thought it might be mildly amusing. It wasn't. It was just deadly dull. All the characters are obnoxious, the special effects are hilariously bad, the outdoor scenes are very obviously shot indoors, it's ridiculously obvious who's doing it and the murders are done so badly I thought it was a joke. Add to that a leaden pace and nothing even remotely scary (unless a bunch of bees buzzing around terrifies you). The actors are OK considering how stupid the story is but there's nothing here worth watching. Amicus (a poor man's version of Hammer) did this. They did some great horror movies like "Asylum", "The House That Dripped Blood" and "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors" BUT this is not one of them. A rightfully forgotten horror film. I give it a 2.
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