When Harvey Met Bob (2010 TV Movie)
My 345th Review: Nostalgia, sure, but also clearly something more....
27 October 2010
If you were old enough, there's no way you don't remember where you were....

WHMB is a good TV drama with good acting etc; pushed to another realm by the fact that it s a story that should be and needed to be recorded - and honestly, it's great viewing. Sure, everyone only looks like the person they're playing just enough, but honestly it doesn't matter - it set out to capture a moment, a slice of history, and it tells the terrific story of how Live Aid happened, well, terrifically.

We really enjoyed this, not just for the massive nostalgia, but also because it does try to capture something of the amazement most of us had that we could do it, we could make the difference, that music and people could stop hunger in Africa. Nice central performances and a lot of energy lift this to another level and we forgot we were watching a TV movie and just got lost in the moment.

Very enjoyable, quite teary, and a lot of fun; for made for TV this is great viewing.
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