Creepshow 2 (1987)
End result befits the budget afforded it.
20 October 2010
Creepshow 2 is the sequel to the popular Creepshow anthology movie released in 1982. It's directed by Michael Gornick, with a screenplay written by George A. Romero (who directed the original movie) that is based on stories written by Stephen King. The film features 3 stories: Old Chief Wooden Head , The Raft & The Hitchhiker. Starring are George Kennedy, Dorothy Lamour, Holt McCallany, Don Harvey & Lois Chiles.

The horror anthology movie is notoriously hard to get right. Quite simply it's impossible to appease all horror fans given the wide number of sub-genres linked to horror. There's also the question of time afforded to each segment, consequently most "sections" of such film's are short sharp shockers without much character detail to get involved with; well that's what the makers intend them to be. Creepshow 2 is not a good film, and not because of the problems that come with horror anthology based movies.

The first film was backed by a Warner Brothers budget and had the considerable talent of Romero in the director's chair. A cult hit, that film didn't make enough money to get Warner's interested in a sequel. In came New World Pictures with a low budget that saw the film cut from 5 stories to three. What remains are three decent enough tales that carry the EC Comics charm, but production is sloppy and the scares are few and far between. There's some nice gore in there, with The Raft particularly coming up with some fun slimy deaths. And with The Hitchhiker segment dealing in acerbic wit as the excellent Lois Chiles battles conscience and the undead, it's an easy enough film to enjoy for the horror faithful. But all told none of it's memorable enough to warrant a revisit some where down the line. 4/10
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