watch it once for the political themes...and a 2nd time for the visual style
19 October 2010
There's a whole lot to the movie 'V for Vendetta'. I don't see how anyone could wrap their mind around everything in one viewing! This is a visual masterpiece that also has much to say about our current world situation in regards to terrorism and totalitarianism. Some pretty dark and serious themes, the less enlightened people probably shouldn't tax themselves with such material and maybe seek out the latest 'Harry Potter' or 'Saw' sequel.

Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman are both mesmerizing as the leads and John Hurt is his typically chilling self. I guess my point is don't miss the message as you soak in the brilliant filmmaking, as it is just simply spectacular.

Hey, you can get plot details anywhere...so just take my advice and watch it twice and then be your own judge.

Just think...the society depicted here may well be our own in the near future...it all seems a bit too familiar eh? maybe thats the point.

Makes me wonder if some shadow society could execute a "terrorist" attack to instill fear and submission into a populace...could never happen... right?

...of course most Americans will never see it coming... too short-sighted, self absorbed and dumbed-down. I notice many negative responses to the reviews on this film, I think this is just too much for most peoples tiny, pre-programmed brains to handle.

here's an idea, if you believe the lies of mass-media and your elected officials, stick with 'The wizard of Oz' ...and click your heals 3 times and repeat "it could never happen here".
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