Good overall idea, but not so good execution
12 October 2010
Honestly the general story or theme of the movie is pretty good. I had feeling for the characters, there persona, especially Chickin Feathers. But there some things that bothered me in it also. First of all, what is the thing about Chinese incorporating flying in there martial arts. The Chinese kung fu itself is beautiful and grace full, they could do awesome martial arts movie whiteout adding stuff like that. I have a lot of trouble getting in the fights with this style. If i watch a sci-fy movie, i know there is gonna be stuff not possible, but a martial arts movie, i need it to seem at least with possible movement. I don't mind 1 or 2 wired shot, like Romeo Must Die or Jet Li's Fearless, but well... not a whole fight. Second the whole "computer stuff" ... what was that? Stupid. And finally, for a movie with martial arts in the synopsis, there is not much of it... There like 3 short fights in the whole movie... It felt way more like a drama than a martial arts movie. I don't say drama is not good, its just that the advertising seem wrong for me. But like i said, the story part, the "drama part" if you will was pretty good. It only needed a little more polishing on the fights, maybe 2 or 3 mores too, and the "comedy" aspect didn't felt at the right place at all.
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