Genuinely Awe Inspiring
7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First, honesty in advertising, I grew up in Melbourne, Florida from 1956 until 1968. So, my opinion about the Space Program would be similar to asking someone who grew up in Detroit during that period about the automobile. As may be obvious, my father worked at the Cape, which meant he only came home to sleep. Yes, the Space Program was where WW III was fought...and won. And I don't mean Apollo, my father didn't even work on it. All he could ever tell me was that he was in "foreign technology." But I did grow up in a town with a spaceport as well as an airport. And as intimate as my knowledge has been, I constantly heard things in this movie I had not only never heard before, but hadn't dreamed of. An astronaut has a member of their immediate family commit suicide rather than deal with the public notoriety! Yes, the media put family members through hell, that's well known. But suicide? So I agree with the first review.

Perhaps it could have been edited better. I don't know, I'm not a movie maker. The only thing I found distracting was because I don't recognize faces well. So I would have liked frequent, perhaps constant name labels. But if you want to know these people better than you ever have before, here you will hear, and see (I never really realized how important and lucky it was that we sent an artist to the Moon) things you won't hear or see anywhere else.

As for the two negative reviews. How can someone claim to have lived through Apollo and not know the number of men who walked on the Moon? XI to XVII minus XIII equals six landings. Can't multiply 2 X 6 = 12? Are you "Smarter Than a First Grader?" If you care enough to watch films on a topic, but can't do First Grade arithmetic, how can your thoughts on the subject of the films matter? But you deserve points for honesty about yourself.

As for the reviewer who seems to have missed their chance to throw eggs at the returning astronauts, we did it in a _hurry_ for political reasons. And killed three men through unbelievable stupidity because of hurrying. As the saying goes, "The dinosaurs didn't have a Space Program." For those that need an explanation, the most biologically successful species that has _ever_ existed on this planet had all of its eggs in one basket. So we have what's left of them for fried food. If we don't keep pushing to get off this planet, we won't even be as successful as the dinosaurs. Grow or die. Like Gravity, it's the Law!

I want to include a heartfelt thank you to those that made this movie. Both in front of, and behind the cameras.

If you have any interest in the men who walked on the Moon, as human beings, see this movie. Even if you think you already have seen everything there is to see on the subject. Hopefully, it is out on DVD by now. I just finished seeing it on Encore! Drama (EDRAM) on TV a few minutes ago. And stopped in the middle of emailing my father about it.
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