Review of Hatchet II

Hatchet II (2010)
Loved the first one, this one not so much
4 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first film. I normally like straight-faced horror films (such as "Let the Right One In") but still enjoyed the humor-infused blood-fest that is "Hatchet." I was disappointed in this sequel. It looked cheaply made and wasn't as funny, but that's not its biggest problem. Unlike the first film, most of the characters are unlikeable so who cares if they get slaughtered? If you're only into gore, you'll get your fix here. This one works harder on being bloodier. I didn't like the change or additional information in the history of Victor Crowley, Marybeth and her dad. It really wasn't needed. Plus, after what she went through in the first film, I couldn't buy that Marybeth would go back for more, despite the reasons given. I also didn't care for Danielle Harris as Marybeth. As horror films go, it's not bad, it just doesn't have the clever wit of the first one, but it is gorier.
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