Social Propaganda
3 October 2010
I found the movie "Social Network" useful in gaining an outline of how Facebook came to be. However, I do not trust any movie rendition of real life characters. After watching the movie I did follow up research to understand better the events of the story. That research showed that Eduardo Saverin was instrumental in getting the book "Accidental Billionaires" written as a character assassination of Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker.

I don't know if Mark Zuckerberg is as self absorbed as presented in the movie, nor whether he was mesmerized by the cunning of Sean Parker. But I doubt it. The movie presents Saverin as complete victim and the Winklevoss brothers as noble, but petty, finaglers who had an idea yet did nothing with it, except sue for wealth from Zuckerberg.

I have no fondness for Facebook. I was on it for about a year and later discovered that they are retaining all data that we put on their site to sell to marketers - hence their billions of dollars profit. It is ironic that Zuckerberg hacked into the Harvard computer system to gain the jpegs of all the girls on campus for his Facemash, then later comes up with the system where all the private data is given to him voluntarily. This information is available for the government whose quest it is to profile every American for surveillance reasons. Google is doing the same and I have since stopped using their search engine. It was very difficult to get my data removed. When you close your Facebook account they do not delete the data and you have to go through various "hidden" pages to get the data deleted. Even then I am not sure that it is deleted since I am still getting Facebook spam months later.

Before they got they first 500 million dollars investment, they wanted to keep their site cool. Now that it is a giant mega corporation, it is not cool, but creepy. Zuckerberg is not cool, but filthy rich. Perhaps Bill Gates was cool at one time but they are both part of the globalist elites now.
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