Review of F

F (2010)
"F", It's all in the title.
20 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a gripping thriller with a suspenseful plot and relatable characters, go elsewhere. After watching F tonight, I really can not see where it's motives lie.

Let's get the good bits out of the way. There's a nice bit of gore here and there. The hoodies (yes here we go, playing off the fear the press has instilled in us huh?) can be interesting to watch at time, stalking their prey from above. Cougar-like really. Speaking of cougars.... the female side of the cast. Well, anyway, there's the good bits.

The rest is drivel. Most of it's been done before and better. Especially the driving theme of "father must save estranged daughter". That is such a rip-off of Taken right there.

Though my main problem here was this; the hoodies' identities are never revealed even though the all the way through the film, it felt like it had a "whodunnit?" vibe going on. Though the film did give us the main suspect right at the beginning, it then never expanded on it. The motives behind the main antagonists is never revealed and just umbrella'd under "Teens being teens" as though all teens are destructive beings. This didn't sit well with me at all.

The acting in places also left a lot to be desired. Characterisation was poor, the old horror tendency of making you want to walk up to the screen and slap the main cast for being so stupid is right here.

Anyway, F had some good concepts but didn't put them down well at all. I think if we had had more closure (seriously, when the credits rolled half the cinema stayed in their seats just going "Wait, what?". I won't go into it, but a character makes a decision which is very out of character compared to his previous self in the rest of the film) and if the identities of the hoodies and their motives been revealed, this would have made for a good film.

In the end. You just have to give this film an F.
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