I Am Slave (2010)
Fittingly bleak depiction of modern day slavery
8 September 2010
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

When a young girl, a princess in the African village she comes from, is abducted and sold as a slave at a very young age, she finds the formative years of her adult life spent being exploited by doing hours and hours of work, for little to no pay, finally ending up being used by a foreign diplomat and his wife, with her passport taken from her and a stark warning to remain indoors unless told she may leave. Trapped in this impossibly desperate situation, she may finally be about to find an unexpected means of escape.

Preceded by an eye opening real life expose of modern 'domestic slavery' in Britain, where desperate immigrants are largely exploited by foreign diplomats, this drama from Channel 4 is largely drawn from real life experiences and serves as a stark expose of what's going on under our noses with very little entertainment value. That said, it's a very well made film, perfectly capturing an atmosphere of isolation, tension and hopelessness. Though it's largely silent, the expression of the lead actress captures more than a million words. All together, though, it doesn't quite get under the skin of it's subject quite as much as it could, but it's still quite an effective piece with a lot of food for thought. ***
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