Review of Wavelength

Wavelength (1983)
Cries for help
9 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers*** Low budget "E-T" like movie even though it was written years before the film "E-T" was even in production the movie "Wavelength" has to do with a trio of captured aliens who's space craft was blown out of the sky over the Mojave Desert by a super secret US military laser device. The three alien spacemen, named by the scientists and military who are examining of them, Gamma Beta & Delta, Dov Young Josh Oreck & Christian Morris, are put on ice in a secret military installation, that been out of operation since the end of WWII,in the Hollywood Hills.

It's when the ultra sensitive to both whale dolphin and alien brainwaves Iris Longacer, Cherie Corrie, picks up the alien spacemen, who look like pre-teenage boys, cries for help that she gets her boyfriend down in the dumps rock guitarist Bobby Sinclair, Robert Carradine, to help her find them. It takes a while but with the help of desert prospector and former military construction contractor Dan, Keean Wynn, the aliens are tracked down to the long abandoned military installation that the US military is keeping them locked up, in cold storage, in.

With both Iris & Bobby captured by the Army M.P's as their caught snooping around the secret military installation those in charge of the place get panic stricken in that the the truth about he aliens and their future plans for the human race will become public.

***SPOILERS*** Not knowing what to do with Iris & Bobby their put in the same room where the aliens, Gamma Beta & Delta, are being kept in what looks like a combination of iron lungs and food storage freezers. This idiotic decision, by the military brass, to put both Iris & Bobby in the same secret room with the frozen alien turns into a disaster with Bobby freeing the aliens who then take off with him and Iris, with the help of local Navajo Indians, first for L.A and then to the Mojave Desert. It's there that in the wide open desert the aliens are soon to be contacted by their mother ship who's to take them back home from they came from in the far flung milky way Galaxy.

In the final few minutes of the movie the aliens mother ship, that looks like a giant beach-ball, pops up out of nowhere in the middle of the Mojave Desert and after holding of a squadron of USAF fighter planes, by scaring he US Air Force pilots half to death, takes the now freed aliens from their captors, the US Military, safe on board. As for both Iris & Bobby as well as Dan the old prospector their allowed to go free in the US Government and its military leaders knowing full well that if they try to make their incredible experience public no one, not even their friends and family members, would ever believe them!
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