Three ways to look at this
10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first option is to hate this movie. This is for idiots who don't like it when the movie isn't described perfectly to them and it isn't all wrapped up in a neat little bow by the end. If you choose option 1, then you're the person that got John from Cincinatti taken off the air for being "too confusing" and we probably wouldn't ever get along anyway.

However, if you saw the movie, and you like movies that leave open ends for thought discussion, then I have comprised two different theories on how the characters played into one another: ***SPOILERS BELOW*** OPTION 1: Ned and friends admit a new girl to the building who ends up burning the place down. However, they wake up the next morning like nothing happened, and lo! The girl is moving in again and has no memory of what happened! As they look and ask around to one another, they realize it's not tomorrow, it's the same day over again. It's Groundhog Day in reverse. Instead of the main character being the only one aware, she's the only one who isn't. Once that day plays out in awkwardness, they wake up and it's the same day again. So, over time, these people try absolutely everything to figure out how to get this day to move on. They try every trick in the book, right down to telling her on select days that she's living in a loop. They get used to her needing new toothbrushes and exactly when her light is going to go out because, well, do the math. They've had almost 2500 YEARS to get to know this girl and her pattern. I can tell you anything about my brother and I've only known him for 29 years. Law of Averages would make certain that they've tried everything they could, using their constant recordings and what not. Anyways, they eventually figure out the near-perfect way to play the day out for her to be faced with the exact scenario in which she must make the choice; she needs to choose to stay with Evan. After that, everyone else finally gets to move on to tomorrow. Evan and our fated chickadee finally go into the light after she finally makes the correct decision in the second chance she begged for after the death of her brother. Their hostility towards her would be explained by the fact that all of them had led simple artist lives until the day she came along and put them in a 2500 year curse. They didn't ask for that. She landed it on them.

OPTION 2: Ned and friends are agents that do this stuff eternally. A woman begs for a second chance at being willing to sacrifice herself to save a loved one. Upon her death, she goes into Limbo and her rites begin. To put the more celestial approach on it, Evan is a variation of her guardian angel, while the rest are more of a facilitating nature. They put the situation down the way it is, and Evan is the cooling factor as well as her appointed focus. He helps her through and nudges her in the right directions while the rest are fed up with her taking so long to move on. I'm less inclined to believe this theory over my first one, because they all seem pretty peeved about the fact that they have to keep dying, what with them constantly expressing their anguish towards how she will kill them. However it would explain why everyone else survives once she makes the right choice, and also why Evan disappeared with her.

I gave it a 7 instead of a 10. I did this because they left it "too open" and too open means holes. Even as I put the two theories together, I had to put parts of the movie into one, and other parts into the other. There's no explanation I have found that completely covers everything shown in the movie. It just means they could have run a tighter ship, but I liked the concept very much.
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