BioShock 2 (2010 Video Game)
An excellent sequel for the hardest act to follow on gaming
4 September 2010
There can be no denying that the predecessor of this title was the most intelligent 360 game that really put the 360 on the world stage. Its intuitive game-play accompanied with a compelling and original storyline brought huge relief to 360 gamers after a period of frustration where only Oblivion stood up to the mark in the early goings. Now, some years on, the brains and little sisters at 2K Marin and now 2K Australia have taken us back to the mid-Atlantic bathysphere which leads us back to the glorious underwater utopia-gone-wrong, Rapture. Possibly the hardest act to follow on the 360, and now with the introduction of multi-player, to keep up with the team death-match virus that seems to be spreading throughout new 360 titles, with the help of Digital Extremes offering a feast of innovative new multi-player options, Bioshock 2 looks to be the first great all-rounder on the 360.

The games story is all based around the character you play. The games protagonist has been caught up in what seems to be a parental struggle. With a tragic event forced upon you at the hands of a maverick and shrewd woman, you are put out of action for a very long time, and thought to be dead. However, due to a special connection with a Little Sister, you come back to life with the help of Tennanbaum, the creator of the little sisters from the first Bioshock. From this, you once again explore the world of Rapture. You can see the vast damage and bloodshed caused by the maddened citizens as they prey on Adam control in the city. Never before seen areas are now at your disposal to explore, with all the hallmarks of BioShock still visible to see, I'm talking the eerie atmospheres, the crazed foes, the sublime detail given to each and every location, and of course the outside world of the ocean which serves not only as a viewing spectacle, but it also serves as the closest character friend you have.

The plasmid civil war hasn't stopped raging since the ten year gap between both titles. But this time, instead of being the helplessly controlled Jack who stopped the megalomaniac Frank Fontaine, you now step into the heavy divers suit(ed and booted) Big Daddy. But unlike the hunkered and quite simple Big Daddy's from BioShock, you play as a prototype Big Daddy who has full control of the plasmid abilities and also happily the favoured drill and Rivet gun respectively, with many other weapon varieties that were seen in the first Bioshock.

Of course, you get all the perks that you would expect from being the Daddy. Scaring the crap out of splicers is just the tip of the iceberg. Because you now can use both plasmids and guns at the same time, it makes the game-play more tactical than ever before, allowing traps to be made, controlling groups of enemies with minimal effort and also throwing innate and familiar household objects to stun your foes as you finish them off in as bloody a mess as you see fit, to further decorate the world in a coat of splicer red. All this sounds quite appetising and somewhat simple, but don't underestimate what you could run into in this place. The splicer's are now in tighter packs, making it harder to dispatch them without sustaining significant injury. There is no room for complacency in these kinds of fights. Also, ammo is an issue, which may come as a surprise and an Achilles heel for most players.

The single player as a whole is very tough. Thank God for that I say! The game offers you the chance to be the Big Daddy, which in turn makes you feel purposeful and powerful, but BioShock 2 very cunningly and subtly makes the story a fun and exhilarating challenge. But is doesn't stack up to the first Bioshock. Of course it was a hard act to follow, and honestly it has done the best it can considering, but it has only just fallen under the bar set.

Of course however, we have multi-player for the first time in Bioshock. The somewhat rustic looking online multi-player takes gamers down a trip to memory lane as locations from BioShock have been re-envisioned to create multi-player environments, such as the Kashmir Restaurant, one of the first areas in BioShock. The multi-player itself is surprisingly effective and quite addictive, but not to the standards of the Call of Duty games of course.

Bioshock 2 then is a solid all rounder; with a single player that takes precedence over the multi-player. It was a very risky move by 2K to introduce the multi-player after such a successful first effort of a story driven game. Bioshock 2 still offers its great vibrant world of Rapture, offers a new dynamic to the game utilising the Big Daddy's obvious high standing in the Rapture hierarchy. The multi-player does a good job for nostalgic Bioshock fans as you can revisit your favourite locales once again, but in the hustle and bustle of plasmid enthralled multi-player action. Top- notch Bioshock sequel that will wet any gamer's appetite.
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