Review of The Deep

The Deep (2010)
Avoid at all costs!!
1 September 2010
I saw this being advertised on the BBC and it looked quite interesting so I watched the first part. And I was hooked! OK the bad acting was a little off putting, but the show had created a mystery about a Submarine that goes missing in the Arctic ocean and something gigantic had caused it's disappearance.

I told all my friends about it, and said to catch the repeat in the week and I got on-board a few people that was hooked to.

And then part two happened! The mystery has been solved you learn about the something gigantic and the bad acting is still there and this is only part 2 out of 5.

By the end of part 3 you are now bored and know how the story is going to pan out.

You find yourself uninterested and really don't care what happens to anyone, and actually hope that they all somehow meet a horrible icy death by the end of part 5.

I really wish I had not invested 5 hours of my life in this predictable, badly written, poorly acted rubbish.

And I have to say a big SORRY to my friends that I dragged into this boring show. Can you forgive me?
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