16 August 2010
Anyone who knows me, know that I'm not a big fan of musicals. Though I do like some (Hello Dolly and Reefer Madness to name two of the few selected ones), mostly I try to avoid them, because I'm just not into them. By now you should wonder why I bothered watching this one then. The other thing about me, if you know me, I try not to read anything related to a movie I'm about to watch. And even a "classic" (as it is considered and the fact it's out on a Criterion Collection disc is just another proof to that "fact") as this one went under my radar, so that I knew exactly nothing about it.

And still, while I was annoyed at times, the overall feeling was a good one. The fact that I was watching it at the Berlin International Festival (as a part of their retrospective section) in a packed cinema, might have helped elevate it and make me feel good about it. Still some stories were better than others and a few dragged quite a bit. So the overall feeling was mixed nevertheless. But for any self respected musical fan (which I'm not as stated above), this is a must see movie.
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