Not solid
15 August 2010
On the one hand, it's always great to see the rare occurrence of a proud atheist on the television (at least, on this side of the pond...), and it is delightfully refreshing to see someone give no more deference to religious beliefs than any other belief, directly challenging them.

On the other hand, it's frustrating that Dawkins shows us none of the mountain of evidence that we know exists about evolution, and takes on none of the supposed counter-evidence pushed by charlatans.

I think if you have a mini-series documentary, you have an obligation to actually accomplish more than simply state your side, even if it is the right side. You have to actually show evidence. Now, three episodes is hardly enough time to prove anything, but it should be enough to not be easily dismissed. Sadly, that goal is not met.

I saw this because I wanted to see the genius of Charles Darwin, and I feel I didn't see it.

7/10 because this sort of thing is so rare, but no higher because the goal was not met.
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