Really terrible.
13 July 2010
What happened to M Night? This is an absolutely terrible film. Even the Dreadful "Happening" was better than this. This is full of some of the worst writing & acting that you can imagine. 3D did not make this better in the least, in fact it was so obvious it was tacked on after-wards it detracts from an already bad film. I didn't love "The Sixth Sense" but it was pretty good compared to this absolute rubbish. What happened to the guy who made the excellent "Signs?" If there was any film that needed some sort of NAME actor involved this was surely it. The lead actor kid was such a bad actor it was hilarious! I haven't seen any of the cartoons this is based on so I don't have that bias towards this film at all. Unlike most who learned who Dev Patel was by the completely overrated "Slumdog Millionaire," if this was the first thing he had ever done he would never work again. I know the kid can act from his excellent turn in the fantastic BBC show "Skins," so I don't think it's fair to judge him in this turd-fest. The script is so bad & full of cliché's that someone of Tom Hanks of caliber of acting could not save this. This is so terrible & from what I've heard it rips apart the cartoon & everything that people loved about it. The lead actor kid is so obviously not an actor it's painfully obvious & embarrassing. As far as the 3D is concerned, it is god-awful & it is obvious. Usually I would recommend this to die hard's but I think even they will hate it. I didn't hate it, but it was pretty close. Quite possibly the worst movie I've seen this year by a mile.
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