Almost Live! (1984–1999)
Unique combination of great writing and top-notch performing
20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
NOTE: Though I checked the "Contains Spoiler" box, I have no intention of posting said spoilers, nor indeed any clear idea what would constitute a spoiler on a program of this sort. Call it a precaution...or insurance. ;-)

To the posters who claim that AL was too Seattle-centric to appeal to non-Washingtonians, I (Tobi) wish to state that my sister and I are both native-born Californians who have never set foot in Washington State, let alone in Seattle, and we LOOOOVE this show! I saw some episodes on Comedy Central, back when that network still showed really funny stuff much of the time, but when my sister sent me some VHS tapes of AL she had painstakingly made from her local cable channel, I played those suckers to *death*.

Since I had two little boys back then (mid-'90's), my husband and I were pretty selective as to what we watched in their presence (I would fast-forward past "Worst Girlfriend in the World" for example), but you can bet we all got a huge charge out of such hilarious fare as "High-Fivin' White Guys", "D.J. Waiter", "Speedwalker", "Mind Your Manners With Billy Kwan/Quan" and "The Lame List"--imagine if you will a six-year-old solemnly quoting "Mired in a sweaty mass of lameness", while his two-year old brother was hair-tossing and chanting "Yame! Yame! Yame!" (Pardon the digression, but I feel I should point out that their father and I reared our boys on the Masters of Comedy: e.g., Stan Freberg, Spike Jones, early Bill Cosby and George Carlin, Jay Ward & Company... the finest of the classics.)

It's a crying shame that while SNL continues its run unabated, and automatically gets archived on DVD, we fans of AL have to make do with deteriorating VHS tapes and YouTube clips--grateful as I am to have both of those. Here's hoping that NetFlix and/or KING-5 will release DVDs of AL *soon*, so that my younger son can brush up on his "Lame List" impressions before he heads off to college. *Sigh*
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