Review of Possession

Possession (I) (2009)
16 June 2010
I haven't seen the Original Asian movie this is based on, but I am pretty sure, that I would like that more than the Remake I have seen. I'm pretty sure it is more subtle and has better character arcs. Not that the actors are bad in this, but as someone else wrote in a magazine: Seems like Sarah M. Gellars career has gone AWOL, since Buffy ended. And this movie won't bring her career back.

It's a nice little psycho thriller, that tries to stay ambiguous, but you might know where this is going, without me or anyone else telling you about it. There's still a chance you might like it more than some other people, but also a very good chance you might not like it at all. There's better thrillers out there, but you could pick a worse movie. If you are a fan of Sarah M. Gellar, you might wanna give it a try ... also if you like thriller movies in general (with a touch of supernatural thrown in for good measure). Everyone else should stay clear of this
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