London Affair (1970)
Tough guy Charles Bronson and sexy Susan George as a VERY odd couple
30 May 2010
This is a VERY unusual role for perennial movie tough-guy/vigilante Charles Bronson. He plays an American writer of pornographic novels living in Britain who gets involved with a teenage British girl (Susan George). Her parents are less than thrilled (although personally I'd be too scared to tell Bronson he couldn't date my teenage daughter). But the real trouble comes when he takes her back to America to meet his own judgmental family and where the disparity in their ages starts to take its toll.

The American title of this "Lola" may suggest it was inspired by the notorious Vladimir Nabokov novel "Lolita", but the original British title was actually "Twinky", and it was allegedly based on an autobiographical(!) story by screenwriter Norman Thaddeus Vane (who might have been even more sex-crazed than Roman Polanski--at least Polasnski didn't make movies about his affairs with underage girls). The title "Lola" (without the diminutive "ita") is somewhat appropriate though because casting the then 19-year-old Susan George in the role takes away the seriously perverse elements of the story (you'd have to be a sick pervert to NOT be attracted to her). So this becomes more of just an absurd comedy about an older guy trying to carry on an affair with a much younger girl who he is really more of a father figure to.

This is probably not a favorite of Bronson fans, but he was such a rigidly typecast actor (kind of like John Wayne) that its nice to see him play a different role (He's miscast, but not nearly as much as Wayne was playing Genghis Khan). Susan George doesn't really have much to do but ride around on a bike in her schoolgirl outfit (but, believe me, that's plenty). Director Richard Donner seems a little embarrassed by this (he took his name off the print I saw), but this is the same guy that made those stupid "Lethal Weapon" movies with that douche-bag Mel Gibson. . . This isn't great, but you just can't go totally wrong with an oddball, off-beat movie like this.
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