Hard to swallow, but a great start for Tarantinos directing career.
10 May 2010
I'm kinda shaky as I'm writing this, seriously the end titles are playing as I'm writing this. And this movie has what is such a rare find these day, a shocking ending. Unless you're used to this kind of films, it's gonna stick to you for a short while. Another thing this film has is a very unique structure. The events are kinda thrown around randomly, they they still feel natural to watch.

What more can I say, I'm almost in denial that this was Quentin Tarantinos first film, todays professionals couldn't have made something as professional as this film. I must say, Tarantino never stops surprising me, and he never lets me down like many other directors do. It's a hard to swallow film, but it's necessary to tell such a story.

I don't really care, but you might. It's rated R for a reason. Minor SPOILERS if you can't handle people dying from gunshot, I mean real messy, blood and all, and seeing a man who's gotten his ear cut of (it's removed off-screen) then you might wan't to skip this one SPOILER ENDS. It's tough, that's all I'm saying.

I'm not sure how to conclude this, I give it a 10/10, that's it, it deserves it.
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