The most morally reprehensible movie ever made.
27 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the short story. I've seen the movie. Both are equally horrible. Ellison states that the movie and the short story are different, but I say they aren't.

Harlan Ellison equates knowing women in a non-raping capacity with civilization. Then proceeds to state that civilization is a horrible freedom killing state that must be avoided.

Then he has his character kill and eat the woman for the sake of keeping his freedom and keeping the relationship with his dog. Thoroughly rejecting civilization and having non-violent sex with a woman.

I am not PC. But I am a woman, and I don't like being raped. I don't like the idea that a relationship with me is a bad thing because it forces you to stop raping and killing.

Furthermore, the movie does not give any reason why civilization is bad, other than repeating it like a mantra. It's juvenile rebellion and it is intellectually empty.

This movie fails in production, fails in acting, it fails in intellectual stimulation. And on top of this it has a horrible horrible message that you cannot like if you own a vagina. This stops it from being even hilariously bad for me.

I like men. I don't think that they are slavering rapists deep in their souls of souls. The reviews of this movie make me wonder, though.
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