The man who never grew up. A sad and intriguing life story.
17 April 2010
I warn you, if you like Sellers you might want to skip this one. He was quite an asshole in real life. A genius of comedy, but a selfish and tormented man. This movie really shows us the downfall of star-hood. He was a man spoiled by his mother, struggling to live up to her expectations, eventually he got so good at playing other people he lost his own identity, or so this film will have you to believe. It is none the less, quite interesting to see.

I think his life in film is quite neatly summarized, and how he takes the role of those near him in order to break the fourth wall, brilliant. One of the many questions in the film is, who is Peter Sellers? Is he just the roles he plays, or is there more too him. Anyway, Geoffrey Rush, portrays Sellers better than anyone else could. he makes us both love and hate the man. And our insight in Sellers mind can be almost scary at times. I hated him and sympathized with him at the same time.

Too be honest I only saw this movie in order to see how they handled Stanley Kubrick, they worked together on Lolita and Dr Strangelove. And too be honest Stanley Luccio handled him fine, could have gone deeper into the character, but he did not fail in any way.

So I give this movie a 10/10, but again I warn you, this might ruing your view on Peter Sellers.
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