16 April 2010
This family comedy has a fairly serious background: the ecological destruction of much of Florida in the late 60s/early 70s and the real estate boom that was also destroying much of the nature in favour of trendy condos. The film is also surprisingly straightforward regarding corrupt poloiticians. this set up reminded me pretty much of John D. MacDonald's late Travis McGee novels which was my main reason for watching it. The film itself was quite enjoyable with some funny moments and some mediocre moments but hardly any bad moments. The story centers around a group of people that seem to be a microcosm of what America should be: all ethnic groups and ahe groups living in tolerance and harmony but without being too obvious about it. Okay, the solution itself is pretty silly and was a bit of a let down but all in all I found it a very entertaining and well made film which for the day and age it was shot in was very open and critical.
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