Dash it all people, I liked it!
13 April 2010
I will lying if I said it was the best animated movie ever, which it is not, but the worst? No, Titanic:The Animated Movie gets that dishonour. As far as Nickoloedean animated movies go, Jimmy Netron:Boy Genius isn't as good as the Wild Thornberrys Movie which is in my opinion one of the most underrated animated movies ever, but it's better than Rugrats Go Wild though that was still pretty decent. I haven't seen the show in a good while, but I remembered liking it even if not an avid fan. So what about this film? I know there are people who dislike/hate this movie, but dash it all while I didn't love it I liked it. I thought it was a fun and entertaining, not to mention well animated film. Yes, with some dull spots in the plot and script and a slightly disappointing ending, but hey this is the sort of animated film where the pros outweigh the cons. Firstly it is beautifully animated, the backgrounds are audacious, the colours are lush and the character act and move convincingly. Secondly, the score is great, I love a good score in films and this succeeded in that department. Thirdly, while the plot is a little unoriginal and corny, I loved how fast it moved and how it drew me in. Fourthly, the voice cast is absolutely terrific, the standouts being Martin Short who perfectly conveys a comic approach to his approach, and Patrick Stewart who was absolutely brilliant as the lead villain. The voice actors are well served with what I thought was a sharply written script, and the characters I thought were likable. Overall, I liked it, not the best but not the worst. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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