Half Baked (1998)
Makes you forget about the world around you for a while
21 March 2010
Viewed this movie on: January 13, 2010 Half Baked is a movie that really entertains you. Of course it's a dumb movie, and I think that to enjoy it, you need to switch your brain to off for the time this movie lasts. I viewed this film during a time when I had many problems: School-like and relationship problems, but let me tell you that one school night I watched this movie because my friend had lent it to me and I literally forgot all about these problems. Thankfully all those problems are solved now, but that is not the point. I read on an IMDb board that someone compared Half Baked to Pineapple Express, but that's something I don't understand because Half Baked is a much different movie than PE who has a bigger budget, thus better cinematography, leads, etc...

The story is fairly original: Talks about Thurgood (Dave Chappelle), Brian (Jim Breuer) and Scarface (Guillermo Diaz) who are trying to sell Marijuana to bail their friend Kenny (Harland Davis) out of jail after ''Killing a cop'' (those who have seen the movie will understand). What follows is of course exaggerated situations, but these situations are utterly hilarious. The leads are all very likable, Dave Chappelle is the friendly guy, Jim Breuer as the man who is always high and Guillermo Diaz, as the guy who has a much different personality. Personally, Scarface was my favourite but I felt that Brian inherited most of the best lines. Anyways in a nutshell, you won't see time pass as you laugh yourself retarded while watching this movie (PS: That last part was inspired by a quote from the movie) :-)
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